"By clinging to your resentments, you rob yourself of your power, peace of mind, and your ability to create yourself anew."
Lately I have had more happy days than not, but those old demons, old patterns of thought, old and destructive habits of clinging with a death-grip to wrongs done to me creep up if I’m not careful. It steals my joy and undermines my happiness. The sad thing is I forget my own power to control it.
Truthfully, it is exhausting to keep up with a running tally of wrongs. It takes up space in my spirit when I store away pain, hurt, anger and resentment. When I free that space and let go of those negative feelings I am instantly and perfectly aware of a new lightness that is physically, emotionally and spiritually palpable.
I am inspired by words. I am inspired by wise words. I read the sage advice daily from @allowhappiness on Twitter and find myself stopping to meditate on the thoughts of those who have unlocked the secret to their own happiness. I am grateful for their journey and even more grateful for their ability to share their discoveries through their words. My struggles are not new; my battles are not unique. I am in a fight to overcome my own negative self and all that it takes is letting my more authentic self emerge… the me that smiles and loves and is invested not only in my own happiness but the happiness of those around me. We are all so full of power. We all possess the power to change our thoughts, which essentially changes who we are.
What I am learning is that if I am unhappy, it is only because I am choosing to be unhappy. If I am angry, I choose it. Moments of emotion occur… we can’t stop that. But what we choose to do with it is within our control. Feel in the moment, acknowledge it, let it go. We can truly become powerful when we realize that our happiness is only affected by our own thoughts… not the words, or actions of what is occurring around us.
Read Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night’ … an autobiographical work based on Wiesel’s experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald concentration camps. It is an amazing testament to the powers of the human mind to control one’s experience.
"This is the renaissance. This is the beginning of being able to discover that you are the creator of your own experience." ~Abraham-Hicks
Much love,