Pulled this book The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom Book by Don Miguel Ruiz, from the shelf today. It's one from college when, like most, I was much less cynical, much less myopic in my pursuit of love, happiness and the spiritual. I always thought life to be a constant progression, moving me forward in my path to gain wisdom. I have discovered, however, this is not the case for me. Instead, life has occurred for me more like a game of Chutes and Ladders. I have times of climbing ladders where I feel I've gained a certain wisdom and then Bam! a rough patch hits and down I slide into a state of vulnerability and stagnation. In these times of decline, I resort to those habits (stubbornness, negativity, hopelessness) that have proven detrimental to my happiness.
The Four Agreements is a must re-read. Within these pages are words holding the power of transformation. It is not coincidental that most life-philosophies that resonate within my heart and spirit have a very similar platform: personal integrity, clear communication and a realization that our inner-dialogue-- our own words we speak to ourselves are powerful influences on how we perceive and behave in this precious life we've been given.
I must go read now. I have my hot tea. My new beautiful Kasya is napping and there is nothing pressing other than my own desire for climbing.
My last thought here is what if we all were apt to turn our focus inward, if we all as a collective pursued personal happiness ... how would this Earth, this humanity look?
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