Saturday, July 21, 2012

The space I need

in a space 
and motivates
the words
flow and fill up the void
and bring
flooding my spirit
making sense of all 
the feelings
and thoughts 
that clutter
grey matter
a purpose 
for dreaming 
the complete work

I love photographs that inspire me. They usually reflect beauty... whether it is the subject or composition, it is typically a space where I would feel comfortable to write or dream or to just simply be. These two photographs do this for me. The balance I see in the simple stacking of smooth stones encourages me to focus and unclutter and meditate. The writing desk looks like a cozy, bright spot where I would love to write. I have always loved "bookshelf walls"... one day I want a room such as this. To be surrounded by books with a simple desk and chair... this is happiness. These are my dream spaces...



  1. people in general dont give enough attention to the space around them. if they did, there could some amazing happiness found in ways you would never think were possible. what we build to live and work and play in has the power to do so much in our lives (good and bad). i like this post. dont get me wrong, hearing about your son (after so many girls, ahhaa) is highly entertaining, and the free form poetry is pretty amazing, but this one struck a chord. the rest, honestly, i kind of breeze through. but i read everything, always.
    thanks for taking time out to write!!!!

  2. Thank YOU for taking the time to comment... I'm so happy your chord was struck :) I agree with you about our surroundings... although, the way my life is structured, having my surroundings in perfect order all the time is impossible... if you have children you know what I mean. BUT, if you have the luxury to have a space of your own or even a small corner... then make it inspiring, make it a reflection of you, surround yourself with objects, light, plants whatever speaks to you and inspires you to meditate or create or decompress. I think we all need spaces like this to retreat and recharge. Thank you for reading my words in my little nook here on the Internet... :)

  3. It was a timely post too, for me. i've moved recently and found a small place to live in the urban core of a new city that before now i had not so much as driven through, much less visited. floor to celing glass overlooking a courtyard. hard wood floors, 12' celings and the only thing i cared to interrupt the simple elegance of this space with, was un-interrupted bookshelves packed carfeully with my favorite 3,000-ish books and an old couch in the middle, my great grandfather used to nap would approve i think.

  4. Anonymous; Sounds like paradise....


please make this an exchange of ideas... I appreciate interaction.