Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the opportunity in now

To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.  ~Eva Young

If there is an art to procrastination, I have mastered it. I was thinking this morning about all of the tasks I could be completing. If only thoughts equaled action. 

More specifically, I was thinking about how I am highly motivated to do something at the wrong time and lose that fervor when it becomes the right time. As an example, I am currently obsessed with wanting to work out, to really get in great shape... I must mention I am 7 months pregnant. Coincidence? I think not. Pre-pregnancy, I was only moderately motivated to get to the gym, but I would daydream about how I would make sure my diet was perfect if I were to ever get pregnant again... I write this as I finish a venti cappuccino from Starbucks and pop the 10th chocolate covered almond in my happy mouth... (sorry N).

On my current To Do list: 

1. Purge and pack our home (two adults, three girls) to move in one month to a new house

2. Complete an online Real Estate course

3. Register our four-year-old for preschool

4. Enroll our 9- and 10- year old in a new elementary school 

5. Research and register girls in extra curricular activities

These are the priorities... of course, there is more. I list these here for my own accountability.  It has worked so far for me in the other areas in my life I'm focused on improving... my discovery: if I write it then I do it. Hopefully I'll experience a breakthrough in this endeavor as well. This could be my own Stranger than Fiction ... afterall, we truly are the author of our lives. Anything is possible...

The best way to get something done is to begin.  ~Author Unknown

much love,

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