"The beauty of life is that everything that happens is meaningless. It is the meaning you choose to give it that matters." ~ BasharWords are powerful--Whether they are written, or spoken, or thought. I am taking a step away from the words I write and focusing on the words I think (of course I am compelled to write about this journey, however). These words need some attention. That inner voice of mine is loud, obnoxious, and extremely negative.
It is a freedom like no other to unlock the power of your thoughts. To say "no matter what is occurring, what the circumstance, I choose happiness." Our feelings, our thoughts are merely choices we make. I am on a journey dedicated to happiness. When I begin to feel negative thoughts creeping in, I am choosing now to breathe and refocus my thoughts, my energy on joy.
"You will never, ever find any higher or better or wiser guidance than your own inner voice." ~ Chief Joseph
I have abandoned that familiar inner voice full of criticism and negativity, and I am intent on replacing it with a kinder, gentler, calmer, saner, softer voice that breathes love, compassion and encouragement into my life.
"Nothing stands between you and anything you desire other than your own patterns of thought." ~ Abraham-Hicks
It is challenging to turn from the known to the unknown, especially when it encompasses a way of being. But, thankfully I have been blessed with key people in my life who have gone before me in this journey and exemplify success. I am in a state of gratitude for their example.
"Don't be scared if negative thoughts and feeling come up for you. Breathe and refocus." ~ Dr. Jennifer Howard
I share this inner journey with you outwardly because I feel that I am not alone in this. I don't believe it an exaggeration to say that we all suffer from an incapability to filter circumstance correctly. It is merely a choice to recognize that the difference between fulfillment and unfulfillment; happiness and unhappiness; even success and failure is determined by perception. We are all so powerful. Anything is possible. You control your happiness with your thoughts. Every emotion you experience is guidance that shows you who you are being in relation to the allowing or resisting of your own essential nature.
"Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside." ~Ramana Maharshi
With much love and hope, joy and happiness,
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